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2022: A New Vibe

Happy new year, readers! I hope you enjoyed a restful and cheerful holiday season and are feeling ready for all that the new year has to offer.

To be honest, it can feel a bit overwhelming to start it all back up again after the holidays. Or perhaps you didn’t get much of a holiday break and are still running on empty. This particular holiday season felt more rushed than normal for me. I would describe it as “noisy”, with every brand rushing to sell Christmas, gift guides, products and more. Did you feel that way, too?!

I spent a lot of time this past week thinking about the feeling of Christmas I want to create for my family, and it definitely is not “rushed”. The word Savor came to my mind, and it perfectly describes what I want to do differently next year. Actually, every month of 2022!

I want to savor the moments with my little girl. To cuddle up next to the fire with a warm beverage and savor quality time with my family. To watch and listen more than I speak, and to be intentionally present in every conversation. To slow life down when it seems like it’s speeding up all around me. We all know we were not created to live at this pace, so it’s okay to pause, and savor the still, slow moments.

The beauty of the new year is a fresh start. A new beginning to create the life you desire and commit to the goals you set for yourself.

A Look Back…

In March of 2021, Gatherhouse officially became a business. After helping our friends and family with their remodels, I finally decided it was time to make a business out of it and share all my remodel lessons learned with as many people as possible.

I was blessed to work with the most amazing clients and friends and collaborate on their home design. That being said, every client had SUCH different tastes and aesthetics for their home style. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder!

Looking Ahead…

I spent this past week taking time to really hone in on the direction for Gatherhouse in this next year, and I have to say, we have some pretty exciting projects and announcements in the works!

I truly feel we are at a point where we can now create the Gatherhouse Design Style and be known for that alone. So what do we want to be known for?! I am so glad you asked. See Below! 🙂


If this sounds like the home you want to create, then we would love nothing more than to partner with you and help you transform your home into your dream home! Explore our services here and always feel free to reach out with any questions.

In the meantime, enjoy your January and savor all the moments!

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