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The Tree Your Garden Needs!

Drafting our landscape design was arguably one of the hardest parts of our renovation. I knew absolutely nothing about different plant species and how to choose plants that would thrive in our environment. I was so tempted to hire a landscape architect, but I knew that we could figure it out with help from family members and good ol’ google! 😉

The one thing I was set on was a flowering white rose tree that I had seen before. After some research, I found out they are called Iceberg Rose Trees, and you have to have them! They are such a statement look that pairs so well with a farmhouse design. I have since discovered that they bloom from mid-Spring to the first frost, and they thrive in a full sun environment with little maintenance. SF Gate describes them as, “an ideal beginner’s rose bush”. Well, say no more and sign me up!

Iceberg Rose Trees, paired with Lavender in between!

T’s Tip: Find out your climate zone before ordering to be sure they will thrive in your yard!

They should survive in climate zones 4-9. You can expect these rose bushes to climb to 3-4 feet, and be sure to plant them ~3 feet apart to give them ample room to grow. In the photo above, we planted Lavender bushes in between each tree as I wanted purple and whites to be our color theme.

Two Iceberg Rose Trees align the entry to our home!

More to come on the rest of our landscape design, but in the meantime, run to your local nursery and pick up an Iceberg Rose Tree. It won’t disappoint!



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